The Benefits of Coworking While You Travel

Georgette EvaUncategorized0 Comments

Guest Post:  Georgette heads community at coworking app, Croissant. To help you work hard anywhere from London to Lisbon, you can sign up for a free week of coworking at Croissant. Click the link to get the discount for all Digital Nomad Help readers.

You may have heard of coworking spaces or have been in a few yourself to know that they’re inspiring, fun, and are good hubs to get work done. And they’re definitely my favorite way to manage my work-life balance when I’m exploring a city, but if you haven’t tried them out yet, I’m strongly nodding that you should test it out. They’re great resources for any digital nomad.

And if you need more convincing, here are some of the benefits of coworking while traveling.

A Place to Get Focused Fast

I can’t stress enough how great it is not have to worry about where to find reliable wifi or plugs near a table, if you’re like me then you’re also looking for a space that isn’t too distracting and has lots of light. And rather than always having my eyes peeled for cafes or public spaces that are laptop-sitter-friendly, I can opt in to work at a coworking space without any worry. Most spaces have a day rate or sometimes will have a discount day, but I like to use the app Croissant to help me get access to coworking spaces in different cities. It’s also by the hour, so while I could spend a day at the coworking space, I could also just work the morning there, explore in the afternoon, then find a new space in the evening.

Coworking spaces are always a fun setup. And I like that I don’t have to work out of my Airbnb or hotel, but can get out and be part of the city.

Having that separate place where I work gets me focused faster, and I can get in the zone and complete that to-do list without having to worry about buying more coffee at the cafe per hour I’m there.

A Welcoming Community

One of my favorite things about working on coworking spaces is meeting local businesses and fellow digital nomads passing through. It’s a loose office-environment— most even have really cool furniture and great amenities— where you can bump into a founder over coffee in the morning and meet a developer sitting across from you at the communal table.

Also, as a bonus, being around a community while I work helps keep me on task and busy.

Most coworking spaces have events during the day or evening, like happy hours, panels, or workshops, and along with free food or drinks, you can meet other like-minded people or others in your industry. It’s also a great time to get some suggestions of great places to go while you’re in the city, straight from the locals.

The Bonus of Having an Overseas “Office”

So while you’re traveling and living the location-free life, so is your business. And when you need to host meetings or if you want to meet a client, having that coworking space is perfect, if not impressive.

My friend uses Croissant to find a coworking space nearby when he has meetings later in the day too, so he can prep and get some work done before he walks over to meet them. That way, he can save time from a commute to meet someone. It’s just another perk of having a work-from anywhere office.


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